So vitally important to us
So why is Melchizedek so vitally important to us?
The writer to the Hebrews indicates the Priest(s) of order of
Melchizedek were to last forever, that the system of priests through
the tribe of Levi would eventually come to an end.
It is well known that the role of the Messiah was to be a king (Acts 1:6),
but Psalm 110:4 is the only prophecy that indicates that he will be a priest:
The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind: You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.Psalm 110:4, NIV
So if the events in Genesis 14 never happened, there would be no way
that Jesus could become our High Priest, and we would have no way of
having our sins forgiven. See Hebrews 6:13 - 9:28
The future
This one's a little harder to follow, but the events that occurred on
that day in Genesis 14 give us an indication of what will happen in the
near future, at a time known as "the last days."
The four kings can be compared to the King of the North (Russia/Germany)
and the King of the South (Egypt) in Ezekiel 38. There will be a time when
Lot (Israel) is taken captive by these kings; and all will look lost. It
will appear that nothing can be done to fix the problem. At that point
Abraham (the saints, together with angels) will rescue Lot (Israel). Then
Melchizedek (Christ) will appear on the scene.
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