Feel confident using Greek tools such as lexicons, Greek commentaries, and interlinears. 2) No longer feel left in the dark when a pastor says things like, \'In the Greek, this passage means such and such.\' 3) Have the desire to go on master the Greek language. Learn about Pronunciation, Vowels, Diphthongs, Consonants, Breathing Marks, Accent Marks, Punctuation, etc')
Title:Introduction to NT Greek
Filesize:180 528 octets (176.3 kiB)
Date:2002.12.17 10:07

A brief history of the Greek language and a simple learning tool that quickly teaches you the basics about reading and writing Biblical Greek. The purpose of this information program is not for mastering the Greek language. Hopefully after this short introduction you will: 1) Feel confident using Greek tools such as lexicons, Greek commentaries, and interlinears. 2) No longer feel left in the dark when a pastor says things like, 'In the Greek, this passage means such and such.' 3) Have the desire to go on master the Greek language. Learn about Pronunciation, Vowels, Diphthongs, Consonants, Breathing Marks, Accent Marks, Punctuation, etc

File Contents

BKA38.HLP2032441996.05.07 13:47
Readme38.txt10082001.08.08 21:25
WORLD.ICO7661996.03.27 00:51